Although it is no longer quite the buzzword it once was back in 2011, it’s clear that cloud technology and hosting is here to stay. Astonishingly, the cloud is still a misty subject for those that are using it every single day.
What is the cloud?
“Cloud computing” can be seen as another term for utility computing. In other words, applications, platforms or infrastructure are made available to businesses by a cloud service provider, similar to utility companies providing electricity, water or telecommunications. Comparable to a power plug or a water tap, the services provided can then be accessed via the internet on any device, anywhere in the world.
Why is it called the cloud?
When engineers first created schematic drawings of these networks, the point at which information left the local network was marked with an arrow pointing to a cloud icon. In the technical world, a cloud is often a representation of the unknown, big open world or a connection point between networks. Companies such as Apple have brought the term closer to the everyday user by including “cloud” in their product names, i.e. the Apple iCloud.
What does the cloud look like?
Like the internet, the cloud itself does not have an actual body. However, everything that’s in the cloud is stored in data centres, so one could say the cloud lives in data centres filled with racks of servers connected by miles of fibre-optic cables.
How big is the cloud?
The best way to measure the size of the cloud is to look at the actual, physical space that is required to store applications and data. Clouds can drastically vary in size and, depending on the amount of data and apps in the cloud, can fill data centres the size of multiple football fields or even more. For example, Google alone fills multiple data centres in the US, China and Ireland as well as many other rural locations all over the world.
Where is the cloud?
That depends on where tech companies have their data centres, which can be scattered around the world, from Singapore to Oregon to Sweden. Our data centre is based in the North East meaning we have physical access to it whenever.
How does information get to the cloud?
Data travels to the cloud via the internet, where it’ll be stored and also backed up. It can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Why do people use the cloud?
The cloud offers a multitude of benefits depending on how it is used. One of its main attractions is the quick and easy storage of data as well as data backups and recovery which is available to everyone through various applications. Furthermore, the cloud increases accessibility of data and applications on multiple devices from anywhere in the world and enables seamless synchronisation between devices. In addition, it is a cost-effective and scalable solution for businesses as they only pay for what they use and can improve energy efficiency and productivity.
For more information about the cloud and how it could potentially transform your business, do not hesitate to contact us.