On Friday 3rd March, our CEO Pete stood in front of a selection of Durham University Business Students to tell them of how he came into the role he is in today.
Pete’s presentation was themed around “creating new businesses” and how his journey panned out from attending Durham University Business School to becoming the CEO of an expanding North East tech start-up.
After Pete had delivered his presentation, the students were then able to participate in a Q&A sessions to discuss both general and specific queries relating to his story and what being a CEO really means.
One question that was asked was significant in regards to Atlas Cloud and our partners, which was “how do you sign with such big name partners when you are considered an SME?”.
Pete responded that although Atlas Cloud is at a stage of significant growth, we are still able to deliver services on the same level as leading names in the managed service provider category.
The presentation had a heavy focus on corporate financing and how Pete planned for scope in terms of financial support with the business.
Pete also encouraged students considering to create their own business, that the North East is a great space for tech start-ups.
He also told the students a few important qualities that he believes business leaders should possess; self-belief, resilience and integrity.
In line with National Apprenticeship Week, it was mentioned that investing in youth is sometimes better for start-ups than experienced people. Experience doesn’t always mean they are right or relevant for the role in regards to training these people to fit the role and demand of your own business rather than re-writing someone’s existing knowledge.
Their lecturer, Jill Tidmarsh commented on Pete’s appearance at the university stating that it was “ever so helpful to have someone telling it like it is, with authenticity and panache”.
It was a beneficial afternoon for all those involved which sparked both enthusiasm and curiosity for the determined business students.
Stay informed on our latest events, or check out what happened at Byte Night’s 20th Anniversary party launch event.