In the last few years, digital transformation and improved technology have forced companies to completely rethink the way they conduct business.
The digital age is already upon us but companies are still keeping their IT setup to the bare minimum – which is usable but, is not compatible for modern workers. To truly prepare themselves for the future, companies must ditch the mindset of IT being a burden and instead strive for innovation.
A key player in the road to digital transformation and innovation is the adoption of cloud technology. This adoption will allow businesses to meet the demands of their workers. The likes of flexible working and remote working can be introduced into the work culture.
Businesses need to be prepared for whatever the future will throw at them. Here are five ways cloud computing can do just that:
When events and meetings start to become a weekly or, even daily occurrence for growing start-ups especially, it’s essential that this does not jeopardise business productivity. Workers need access to their work from any location so they are prepared to say “yes” to any opportunity that arises instead of fearing they will fall behind deadlines.
The cloud provides a platform for businesses to encourage workers to perform at places other than their desk – resulting in more networking & exhibiting opportunities and ultimately potential clients.
Cloud computing offers different models of IT setup to suit the needs of any size organisation. Applications and amount of data storage can be adjusted to suit both budget and employee needs.
This scalability is not limited to the primary adoption of cloud computing and can be utilised throughout your agreement with your managed service provider. Business growth means employee growth and IT needs to be able to meet these demands.
Technology is constantly evolving and is not going to slow down anytime soon. With cloud computing, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their IT setup will continually be updated simultaneously without having the headache of attempting to deal with it one computer at a time.
When looking to innovate, the cost battle between on-premise solutions and cloud solutions is one that is heavily debated. This is key to determining whether a company is able to adopt a cloud strategy.
With cloud computing, businesses can experiment new ideas on a small and relatively inexpensive scale. And if successful, these solutions can be easily scaled up for a company-wide rollout.
There is no wasted budget. Plan strategically, build your approach then analyse feedback and repeat.
Cloud service providers are able to create tailored packages of applications and data storage needs to suit each individual within the office. The packages are then offered through per-user-per-month price models that allow for scalability.
The aim for businesses now is to supply workforce with the ability to simply log on, save and log off. Instead, they need to prepare themselves for the expectations of the 2020 workforce. Innovation, mobility and connectivity. This is an opportunity for change rather than a threat.
With IT taken care of by a managed service provider, staff can focus on driving results through increased productivity.
Businesses that are willing to own this change and adapt now will be first to prosper in 2020. Those that don’t will lose out on both the best workers and the next generation.
Contact us today to find out how you can implement a new strategy to working.