Mimecast Web Security

Protect your network against web browser borne attacks.

Web security protection

About Mimecast Web Security

At Atlas Cloud, we’re one of the only providers of Mimecast in the North East, and have partnered with them to provide web security products for our customers across the UK. Mimecast have established themselves as experts in email protection and now they have applied this expertise to the world of web protection in order to add an extra layer of cyber resilience.

Mimecast Web Security is designed to protect against advanced phishing and malware attacks that come via web, instant messaging systems, social network sites and advert networks. It allows customers to expand and improve their protection levels from attacks which occur via the web and email. It is available for both Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems and uses the same administration console as Mimecast’s Secure Email Gateway giving you one single integrated service.

Why do you need web security?

The rise of cyber-attacks means ensuring the security of your IT infrastructure can now be a full time job. The stats around cyber crime are worrying with 99% of malware being deployed by email or the web (source: Verizon 2018) and with 91% of malware using the web to function once it lands (source: Cisco Cybersecurity Report 2018). When you add human error into the equation the picture gets worse with 32% of organisations saying they weren’t confident their employees could spot and defend against malware or ransomware attacks (source: Vanson Bourne).

A lot of companies have purchased web protection tools which will block access to undesirable websites. Software such as firewalls, Unified Threat Management (UTM) systems, endpoint software or web appliances (proxies/gateways) are the traditional methods but they might no longer be enough. Sophisticated hackers can now insert malicious links on what many would consider acceptable sites/areas:

How does it work?

  1. A user makes a request for a web-based resource by clicking on a link or typing an address.
  2. This request is forwarded to Mimecast Web Security for resolution and inspection.
  3. Mimecast Web Security applies acceptable use controls, as well as any bypass exceptions, and decides whether the site is safe or not.
  4. If deemed unsafe, the user is notified that the site is blocked. If deemed safe access is allowed immediately with the IP address of the requested site being returned to the user’s browser.
  5. All activity is logged and reports are available for administrators to review.
Mimecast web security


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