Known for being reluctant to embrace digital transformation, the accountancy sector now needs to consider how evolving technologies can help increase efficiency and enhance performance.
With Britain’s productivity levels now 22.2% lower than that of the USA, it’s now crucial that workers feel empowered to work to their full potential during working hours. It is thought that only 39% of accountants describe themselves as early adopters of technology. It can be hard to grasp what the benefits are of ditching the outdated, on-premise setup and opting for a fully-managed solution. This usually comes down to a lack of understanding of what cloud-hosted technologies can mean for businesses and how they can work to benefit accountancy processes.
1. Integrate processes
With individual clients having their own IT setup, it can become complicated to streamline processes and create a solution that enables all existing applications to be integrated. As a result, documentation is at risk of being tampered with, lost or duplicated. By hosting Office 365, all authorised users have access to applications and data from any device with one live version of the truth available to all users. Any changes made to documents are synced and made readily available instantly.
2. Supercharge productivity
With improved processes, comes improved productivity. With human errors – such as file duplication – removed from daily tasks, accountants are enabled to put their best foot forward with this enhanced IT performance. Productivity levels can increase by 20% with new methods of working, such as remote and mobile, being made readily available from the get-go as staff are no longer restricted to the four walls of the office with the outdated kit to get tasks done.
3. Remain up-to-date and secure
As information isn’t stored in one single location, it can be hard to keep tabs on who is accessing it. By opting for managed services, provisioning and authentication are handled by the professionals, as well as data backups. Accountants can have peace of mind that their critical applications can be accessed remotely without jeopardising the data’s integrity.
Start your cloud journey today
Getting to the cloud doesn’t need to be complicated. The lift-and-shift method of taking your business-critical applications into the cloud one step at a time can allow accountants to take their cloud journey at their own pace. To get started on your cloud journey today, request your free demo here.